Tuesday, February 24, 2009


It’s a wonderful feeling when you take your baby to the beach for the very first time. The new sights, sounds and smells will excite your baby. The glees and the gurgles more than compensate for the pains you may have taken to prepare for your special outing.

Caring for your baby out on the beach requires packing items to protect, feed and keep her happy.

Some Safety Tips!

Exposed body parts such as the face, head or neck need to be protected with a broad-rimmed hat. Young children should not be exposed to direct sunlight, especially in the middle of the day between eleven AM and three PM. Their eyes also need to be protected from harmful UV rays with quality UVA/UVB sunglasses. They can enjoy playing while protected under a beach umbrella or while being wheeled around in a stroller and mounted sunshade. If you leave your infant in a pop-up tent, you need to constantly monitor the temperature. It can get very warm inside in a short period of time. Look for a tent with wide screen windows to let air circulate.

Useful Baby Gear For the Beach!

A twin baby stroller with ample sunshade is great for the beach. Just make sure that your stroller doesn’t have swivel front wheels. Such strollers don’t perform well on sand and tend to get stuck.

Some beaches contain facilities where you can rent beach gear. You should check this before packing your baby stroller. Beach strollers usually come with an umbrella attachment and have very large, wide wheels that move easily on sand.

Travel items to pack include baby foods and liquids, disposable feeding bottles and battery operated food warmers. Other items include a floppy hat with fabric ties, baby lotion, sunscreen, soap, washcloths, wet wipes, towels, diapers and toys. These can all go into your diaper bag.

A beach outing provides wholesome fun for the entire family. Nurturing your baby need not stop you from having fun at the beach. If you pack all the necessary items, you can enjoy a memorable experience that you’ll cherish forever.

1 comment:

icedgurl said...

wow!! ligo og dagat ang bb.. kaso murag kaulanon man!!! heheheh tugnaw ang tubig.. hehehe